The Xbox 360 Elite is out. For one hundred squids cheaper than the ps3 it's got a cavernous 120gb drive. But no HD DVD player to the ps3's Blu Ray drive and no wi-fi.
I've been in a quandary of indecision about my next console purchase. I have been of the Xbox camp for two years now, forgoing the pleasures of Guitar Hero until its FAR TOO LATE release for the 'box and various other silly, girly, party-type games. Why? One reason, Halo. And the release of Halo 3 on my birthday, Sep 26 *hint hint*, has seen me planning my Halo 3 themed party for so many months I'm not allowed to speak of it in front of my nearest and dearest for fear of ear aching retribution.
And yet, and yet... I'm so confused and let down by the absence of an HD player. Why, Microsoft, why? You could have made the biggest splash by coming down on the HD side of the DVD wars and regained some of the awesome gaming credibility that's started to erode since 2005.
Only Halo 3 is keeping this relationship together. However, if anyone wants to know what to get me for my birthday, I could end up having both...
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