My mother is in the habit of leaving little clippings of interest on my place at the breakfast table. This is a clipping from the Independent and contains at least two errors as well as being completely graceless even in print.
Assessed radio packages are due in in a matter of hours. When I went to record mine, I took along a camera and an extra cameraman to put in some Smoke News practice. I have produced both a short film and a two minute news clip from that session. They have been ready for a while but being a firm disciple of Chris Horrie in law matters, I have spent the last three weeks collecting in the last few consent forms.
It's not just the fact that they scream, poo and don't do what they're told that leads to that well-known saying "never work with children and animals" but the heap of paperwork you have to fill in before broadcast.
For my film I made sure all sixteen and overs signed consent forms and all under sixteens had forms signed by parents. In the club, the BBC's Culture Show (who got there before me by five minutes) had put up signs and distributed information prior to the event saying that by attending the club you agreed to be in GVs. I also put up my less than impressive signs.
To cover myself even further I had to cut out some of the best bits as some of the kids seemed to be drinking underage. None of that appears either. If there is anything else anybody sees that might be defamatory, let me know - it's important I get it right. Here's the link to the short film
Here's the two minute news package with my naff voiceover:
I received a call from a French production company on Friday asking to use some of my footage from the Underage Club. Eager to please, and flattered I sent it off at once. Speaking to my boyfriend (and second cameraman) later I told him the exciting news:
"Did you ask for any money?"
"Well, no - I'm just an amateur, and I suppose they're just a small company"
"What were they called"
"Canal something..."
"Canal Plus?"
"Yes! That's it."
I think you have managed to deal with the subjects and the story very well. Chris Horrie would be proud of u
Very professional and you’re too modest about the voiceover, nobody likes the sound of their own voice mind you.
I remember the whole age issue used to bug me when I was yoooooung (in best Brandon Flowers voice)
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